Join Our Prayer Journey

Join Our Prayer Journey
Join us in learning the art of prayer, as taught by Jesus himself (Luke 11:1). Your prayers are valuable as we grow in faith. Click the button below to share your prayers with us.
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22915 Litchi, Corner Pineapple Str, Protea Glen Ext 26, Soweto

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The Art of Prayer: A Guide to Communicating with God

Prayer is not merely a task to be performed, but an art to be developed. Just as one learns to drive by understanding the rules and then practicing until it becomes second nature, so too is the process of learning to pray.

In Luke 11:1, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. They recognized that prayer was not something to be taken lightly or done without understanding. They sought guidance from Jesus, acknowledging that the right way to pray was to learn from the Master himself.

Knowing how to pray is crucial. Without understanding God’s given way of prayer, we may find our prayers unanswered. This does not mean God is indifferent, but rather that we need to align our prayers with His will and His ways.

Consider this: If you have money in a bank, you can’t simply demand it. You need to follow a procedure to withdraw it. Similarly, all we need for life and godliness is available to us, but we must know how to draw from our heavenly account.

Thus, knowing how to pray becomes an important issue. God is no respecter of persons. He doesn’t favor one over another. It’s not about who is praying, but how they are praying.

If you wish to delve deeper into the art of prayer, we invite you to join us at Salem Assembly. Here, you will find a community of believers who are continually learning and growing in their prayer lives.

Prayer is a journey, not a destination. It’s a skill that we develop over time with practice and patience. So, let’s embark on this journey together, learning to pray in a way that aligns with God’s heart and His purposes.

Join us at Salem Assembly to learn more about the art of prayer. We look forward to welcoming you into our community and growing together in our communication with God.